Let's go solar!
Signing of Sales Agreement 01Oct2022. With special thanks to Mr. Ricky Jacinto and Sasonbi, Inc. (a renewable energy company founded in 2011) through Engr. Dante Briones, who have helped us evaluate our parish energy use and financing options.
SPAP commits to use all the savings from its electricity bill in the same proportions for its social programs and upkeep.
As an added benefit, the project will reduce the annual carbon footprint of SPAP by over 64,000 kgs of CO2. This is the equivalent of planting 3,210 trees per year.
While SPAP does not have the funds to finance the project upfront, it can pay for it out of the projected savings in electricity consumption and through donations.
N.B. Attended by representatives of Parish Pastoral Council, Parish Finance Council and formerly Finance Committee with our dear Canossian Fathers.