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Please support our Local Farmers 😊

These days, we’re all spending a lot more time figuring out how to get groceries, planning what food we need, and constantly prepping meals and snacks for everyone at home.

That's why our San Pablo Apostol Parish - Tondo established a program where we can plant different types of vegetables to provide us fresh and nicely planted source of food.

Our harvest is plenty, please eat to your heart's desire.

Please support our local farmers (Canossian Priests), parents/guardians and staff of our scholarship program.

Parents/guardians of our Scholarship Program help Rev. Fr. Reynaldo Daguitera, our Parish Priest, in preparing lettuce seedlings and plant them throughout the growing season.

Food has never felt more important. And farmers have never been so important. They may be deemed “essential workers” right now, but they’ve always been essential.

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