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SPAP Calendar Design Contest

Our Parish, San Pablo Apostol - Tondo would like to call on our artistic parishioners! Please come and join the contest!

We are preparing our Year 2023 Calendar and would like to feature artworks depicting messages related to our theme: "San Pablo Apostol Parish: Living the Faith Through Love of Neighbors and Care for the Environment.”



  • Contest is open to all parishioners. No age restriction.


  • Posters must illustrate, interpret, and emphasize the theme mentioned above.

  • It must be an original concept.

  • Participant may submit One (1) entry only.

  • Contestants may submit entry made of any of the following:

    1. Poster Making/Drawing converted to photo

    2. Digital Photography

    3. Original photos using photoshop, paint or any related software applications or mediums for digital artwork (drawing/painting)

    4. The image size of the file must be 1920 x 1080 pixels (600 dpi) in portrait PDF/JPEG/PNG format.

    5. No downloaded images and clip arts can be integrated in the artwork since it should be all original.

    6. Distinguished marks, names and/or logo of any organization are not allowed to appear as an element in your digital poster entries.

    7. Artist retain the copyright of their digital poster, but the Parish has the right to publish the work and use as calendar design.

Send your entries to: together with your:

  • Statement of Originality (description of your digital poster)

  • Subject: #SPAPCalendar_yourName (example: #SPAPCalendar_JuandelaCruz)

    • Submit your entry on or before September 17, 2022

    • Voting via GCash is on September 18 to October 2, 2022.

    • Vote for your favorite design via GCash (09189633827)

*Note: One Peso (P1.00) equals 1 point.

You may vote as many as you want. The more points an entry has, the more chances of winning.

Don’t forget to write in the message portion, the the name of contestant you are voting for following this format: #SPAPCalendar_name.

We will post in the Parish Facebook page and website, all our entries following the same format.

For further inquiries and clarification, you may inquire at the Parish Office, SPDO, Ministries Coordinators or to any PFC officers and by clicking this button:

Many thanks to all your support!

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